
My name is Zane Emory Nelson, the one and only. I’ll admit, something of a bold claim but one that I stand by.

I was born in a little place called Kalispell, Montana. A place I’ll always consider to be one of the best places on Earth. Not for the culture or great strides or anything particularly worthy of historical note, but for its simplicity, and sheer beauty.

In essence I suppose you could call Kalispell my own personal Shire.

As to who I am, well honestly I feel like I’m still working on that bit.

I’ve always had an interesting outlook on life, trying to learn and understand this crazy world we live in and the varying ways that we all see it. It all makes for a dizzying kaleidoscope of experiences, thoughts beliefs and passions that I find simply fascinating.

And in the midst of this maelstrom? Simply me trying to sort it all out and find my own path.

While I’m at it? Perhaps doing so with a bit of style too.


Interview questions:What is my favorite hobby?

I love to read and I love to play video games. Standard stuff.

What career do I see myself pursuing?

I see myself pursing a career in counseling psychology.

What do I feel has been the event or events that have shaped my life?

Oh man almost too many to count. My parents divorce, mom meeting my step dad, the friends I’ve met. Reuniting with my dad, going to Africa. And just about every year I’ve spent in college has had something that’s shaken things up for me. These are just the ones that stand out too.

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